이근모/요즘 이근모코치는!

이근모 PCC자격인증받아 더욱 젊어집니다.

행복한 젊은이 DS1JDE 2009. 11. 22. 07:48

사랑하는 코치님!

여러 코치님이

성원을 보내시고 지원해주셔서
PCC 자격 인증을 받아 더 젊어졌음을



모든 분 그리고

늘 함께한 코치님께


ICF의 자격인증


Dear Keun Mo Lee,

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Congratulations! Your application for the designation of PCC has been examined by the ICF Application Review Committee and approved.
You should be very proud of your accomplishment as this is a major milestone in your career as a professional coach. The ICF wishes you continued success and good fortune.

Coaches who have earned an ICF credential may use the corresponding ICF credential logo on marketing and promotional materials, including on personal Web sites, business cards, etc. The ICF credential logo and conditions of use are available for download at

Any questions you may have regarding logo usage can be forwarded to ICF Headquarters by e-mail at icfheadquarters@coachfederation.org or by phone at 888.423.3131 (toll free) or +1.859.219.3580.

Because you are currently a member of the ICF and have just earned your ICF PCC, you are eligible to receive a complimentary subscription to the ICF Coach Referral Service. This feature is reserved for ICF members with a valid ICF credential. More information and instructions on the ICF Coach Referral Service can be found at
http://www.coachfederation.org/icf-members/coach-referral-service/. Your certificate of designation will be forwarded by mail to you in the near future.

The ICF applauds the effort to obtain a truly global credential and your latest demonstration of a personal commitment to the coaching profession.

With deep respect,
ICF Application Review Committee