Summing Up of Questionnaire 영문.docx
International Coaching Alliance: The Ghana Summit
April 9-10, 2018
A. What did you learn?
1. I’ve always wanted a life coach, but I’ve learnt how to be my own coach
till l find one
2. I learnt to the difference between coaching and counseling. Coaching is
from present to future while counseling is from past to present. How to
combine Training and Coaching to become an effective coach.
3. Learnt amongst many
1) in life, things should be approached one step at a time.
2) learnt to respect people’s views before referring solution.
3) learnt no one is bigger than the other.
4) learnt that listening is the very first point to discerning potentials.
4. I learnt how to listen actively and help other people feel important and
food when speaking to me.
5. The different between leadership and coaching. Forms of listening.
6. I have learnt many ways or more of non-verbal communication. The act of
listening, attentively to my client and also guiding my clients to take their
own decision without imposing my will over.
7. There is the shift from consultancy to coach and it is producing good
results. Don’t be load over your client. Be a good listener.
Communication. Awareness, Outcome, Chances, Hands on.
8. I learned that connection is central to every coaching process. So, to start
any coaching activity, I have to, as a matter of necessity establish a
rapport between me and the coachee.
9. The difference between coaching, counselling and mentoring. Tackling a
huge problem one bite at a time.
10. I learnt how to communicate effectively.
11. I learnt about coaching. The difference between coaching and training
and how to coach people.
12. I have learnt to be very positive as a life coach. Always ask questions
from my client in dialogue. Also learnt coaching is about helping people to
get to their respective destination.
13. I learnt that coaching is not about finding solutions to a problem for
someone or the client but to help the client figure out the solutions for
14. I have learnt that there is a difference between Consulting and Coaching.
15. Helping people to get to where they want to get to.
16. I learnt that problem has a solution and one must start, with little point
or part of the problem.
17. I learnt how to practice active listening. Also, that our view or
perception of someone usually reflect or mirror ourselves.
18. It is good to be friendly and nice to create a comfortable and good
rapport In order to chew the whole elephant (end goal), I must first take
the first bite and then celebrate it.
19. I learnt to listen more than first to conclude for clients or people I'm
working with
20. I have learnt that good communication skills will make a great coach.
The coach is not a mentor or a teacher He leads the client to the client's
21. The art and act of coaching effectively.
22. Learnt to build good relations with clients through rapport building and
23. The essentials of coaching.
24. To be considerate. Open mindedness. No preconceived thoughts/ideas.
25. I learnt about how effective learning can improve relationships in our
jobs and various offices. Applying the coaching module in coaching
helps brings up the best out comes as a coach.
26. I learnt about the needed attitude as a coach. The ability to combine all l
istening skills and still make room to not ask as a consultant or mentor. I
learnt the difference between hearing and listening.
27. Learnt the principles of coaching. Some of them are i)connection
ii)expecting outcomes iii) Awareness iv) Chances v) Hands-on.
1. Inspired to want and do more in life
2. Very good enhancement for me which l will come again
3. l felt this is a very good forum to develop minds and ultimately providing
a good coach
4. I felt empowered
5. Fulfilled because my expectations were over exceeded. I felt loved and
6. I feel inspired and energized
7. So much enlighten friendly atmosphere good conference
8. I felt that we all need coaching in one way or the other in our daily lives
9. I felt so good that l can now coach my children for future and fiends and
all for good results.
10. I felt good being a part of the program. I was inspired
11. Educated and inspired
12. I feel very good and encouraged to go and give back to my society
13. I felt inspired
14. I feel very excited and enlightened about learning about coaching and
15. I have been educated
16. I feel good about thing and makes me know more about self and people
around. How to handle and help them and my self
17. I felt that the atmosphere was quite relax and engaging
18. I felt encouraged, happy and more knowledgeable. I feel l can do a lot
more things and more capable to take that first step
19. I feel connected to the study and have to improve my communication
20. I feel inspired
21. Very motivated to coach. Inspired to transfer the knowledge
22. Very great to have acquired knowledge and skill
23. Felt inspired
24. Fulfilled attending this conference. Knowledge has been upgraded. I feel
25. I feel very enlightened and have come to know you allow people room
to express themselves they come out with their best
26. I felt good during the coach and client's sessions especially with my
coach applies the coaching techniques well
27. Interactions with participants, facilitation on point
C. What will do for your specific tiny object?
1. Rewrite my goals in smaller chunks and with more specific objectives.
2. I will always appreciate little things by saying thank you. I will always be listen actively
to my clients to be of a proper help to them
3. Take a step at a time till l am able to accomplish the whole-body task
4. I will listen actively to my friends when they are speaking to me
5. I am going to change how l see people
6. Am going out there to practicalized all the things l have learnt from the resource
7. Hands on little by little to accomplish my goals on bee keeping. Build good
8. I will start to provide coaching services to my students anytime there is the need
9. Tackle one bite at a time and celebrate the activity not the outcome
10. Solve
11. Implementation of the coach abbreviation in dealing with people i.e. C-Connection,
O-Outcome, A-Awareness, C-Chances, H-Hands on
12. Always appreciate and say thank you
13. Listening, l have realized how important listening and listening cues are and it is
something l will consciously put effort into practicing
14. I will now coach my clients who come for career counselling that is l will follow-up
and encourage them to continue working
15. Going to be mindful of my body language when talking to a client
16. Give more appreciation to my kids, wife and members of church for the little things
there do to enhance themselves
17. I will allow people to come out with their own solution
18. Everything l do will take one small step at a time. So, my end goal or purpose
should start by my small initial step. Many small things will accumulate to something
19. To better communicate with my clients and be able to well listen and provide
20. I will now coach my clients instead of becoming their mentors. And l will stand a
coaching class for up and coming musicians.
21. Apply it to my job situations. Improve my coaching relationships with clients
22. Apply the practicality to my business
23. Apply it to the aspect of business l am engaged in
24. To be good at listening to the views and questions from clients (friends, family,
colleagues). Solve problems onE BITE at A TIME
25. For my media project l now know how to bring out the best in my friends and
employees to come
26. So for my poultry business, l dream of being a house hold name with stands
nationwide. A farm in each region, but a tiny step would be to start from my back
yard and do delivering
27. Apply it in my very tiny sphere of cooperate engagement
D. Recommendations for Further Development of Leadership of Coaching to ICA Ghana
1. Content was great however communication was a bit stressful. Would have loved
more group activities. Overall, facilitators did an awesome job!
2. My suggestion is, we should have more than two days for future training programs.
3. I think more awareness to be done via media to bring in wonderful heads to
becoming coaches.
4. I suggest the training should involve smaller breakout session with practical exercises
5. Most of the examples or role plays were focused on cooperate setting. Am looking
forward to is learn how coaching can be applied in marriages
6. Must stick to their time and try to contextualize Ghanaian setting
7. More conferrer and networking with participants
8. This training should be replicated in all regions of the country
9. I think we should have an advance coaching seminar whenever there are add on to
what is existing
10. More programs should be organized quarterly in the year
11. My suggestion is for bigger forums to be organized so more people are reached.
12. Should be made available during the season
13. Steps should be taken to make the session more practical and interactive
14. There should be more coaching conferences like this one. ICA Ghana can provide
partners with more materials to help in certification
15. We should be having this often, and stick to our time
16. Think we should have more of these training or workshop because it has become an
eye opener
17. Stick to the timelines on the program
18. A little bit of more advertisement
19. The conference should probably be held every quarter
20. Introduce coaching to teachers, facilitators and leaders to help them inspire others
21. Make it more interactive and involve participants. Great job to ICA Ghana
22. Continue the great job
23. More practical and interactive
24. More of such conferences should be organized. Language barrier. Well-structured
program i.e. more days and spreaded activities
25. I think we should have different tutors for various topics, so we can have variety
26. More paperless communication, WhatsApp groups after the conference to discuss
what has been learnt from time to time. A website to help with sources of
27. If possible a WhatsApp platform or other social network platform could be created
to continue the discussion. Plans for national attention could be considered.